$132M Grove/ Diamond Magistrate’s Court commissioned

Georgetown: President David Granger, Wednesday, commissioned the $132M Grove/ Diamond Magistrate’s Court, which will serve approximately 70,000 persons who live along the East Bank Demerara corridor.

President David Granger and Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams look on as they are given a tour of the court by Chancellor of the Judiciary, Justice Yonette Cummings- Edwards. Chief Justice Madame Roxanne George- Wiltshire is also pictured to the President’s left.

The Head of State in his remarks, said that the establishment of the Diamond-Grove Magistrates’ Court is another step in the direction of providing easier access to justice, for everyone, everywhere in Guyana and conforms to the Government’s policy of extending public services countrywide.

He further noted that every citizen, everywhere, is entitled to the protection of the law. He or she can benefit from this protection only if the services of the country’s legal system are accessible.

“Every citizen is entitled to a number of rights and protections, under the Constitution [at Article 144], including the right to fair hearing within reasonable time by an impartial court; the presumption of innocence until proven guilty; and sometime we have to remind the Media about the presumption of innocence; the right to be informed of the nature of any charges and to be provided with adequate time and facilities to mount a defence. The criminal justice system ― comprising the Courts, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), lawyers, the Police Force and the Prison Service ― is essential to enforcing laws, deterring violations and punishing and rehabilitating those who break the law,” he said.

Nothing that, “If the citizen cannot come to the court, the court must come to the citizen…,” President Granger said that the entire country will be covered in due course by a network of Magistrates’ Courts to dispense justice and respond to the needs of all Guyanese, everywhere.