Georgetown: The National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) will be held on Wednesday, 01 April and Thursday, 02 April, 2015 at hundreds of centres across Guyana. Approximately fifteen thousand two hundred (15,200) candidates are registered to write this examination.
Guyana has attained universal primary education, a millennium development goal. This means that all Guyanese boys and girls of primary school age can access primary education. This exam is a placement exam offered at the end of the primary cycle to determine at which secondary school students will be placed.
Four subjects will be assessed, namely English Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Each subject will consist of two papers. English Language and Science will be administered on 01 April, Mathematics and Social Studies on 02 April, 2015.
Candidates must answer all questions in Paper 1 for English Language, Science, Mathematics and Social Studies and only four questions in Paper 2 for Science, Mathematics and Social Studies. Candidates must answer only one question in English Language Paper 2.
Timetables for the candidates were prepared and distributed in March 2015 to schools across the country.
All administrative and logistical preparations are in place for the NGSA 2015. Candidates and their parents and guardians are reminded of the following:
· Candidates must be on time
· Candidates must take along their timetables
· Candidates should read and follow the instructions carefully
The Ministry of Education takes this opportunity to salute parents and guardians for utilizing the universal opportunities made available to our nation’s students. The Ministry salutes our teachers too for bringing our children to this level.
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