18,000 to sit Common Entrance tomorrow

Georgetown : Some 18,000 primary school students are set to sit the 2012 National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) which begins at schools across the country tomorrow.
Last year a total of 17, 392 candidates were registered to participate in the assessment.  
Registered candidates, according to a statement issued by Chief Education Officer, Olato Sam, will today be required to undertake assessments in the subject areas of English Language and Science.
Tomorrow students will be tasked with undertaking Mathematics and Social Studies.
According to Sam all administrative and logistical preparations are in place for the NGSA even as he noted that candidates are reminded to be prepared, punctual and remember to walk with their timetables.
Candidates should have previously undertaken the National Grade Two Assessment in 2008 and the National Grade Four Assessment in 2010.
Candidates’ performances are expected to reflect the percentage of the marks gained at the Grade Two and Grade Four Assessments combined with the marks attained at the National Grade Six Assessment. Five per cent of each candidate’s Grade Two score in Mathematics and English, and 10 per cent of the Grade Four score in the same subjects, are added to 85 per cent of each candidate’s score in those subjects. The combined scores in Mathematics and English are then added to the scores gained in Science and Social Studies.
As at last year the highest possible standardized scores obtainable were: Mathematics – 136, English – 138, Social Studies – 134, and Science – 143. The highest possible total score obtainable was 551.
Gaining the top position with a score of 537 marks at the assessments was Terron Alleyne of Regma Primary. Second position was gained by Sariah Singh of ABC Academy with 536 marks.  The third position was shared by Sarah David-Longe from Success Elementary, Angelie Persaud from C.V Nunes Primary and Carol Hopkinson from Regma Primary. They each scored 534 marks.
The sixth position was shared by Teryka Mohabir of Regma Primary, Thalia Baeza-Milan of School of the Nations and Kareem Adbool of Success Elementary. They each scored 533 marks. The ninth position was earned by Narissa Persaud of Leonora Primary with 532 marks. The 10th position was shared by two candidates namely: Shafeek Rayman of Dharmic Rama Krishna and Edmund Henry of New Guyana School. They each scored 531 marks.