$481M approved for Ministry of Natural Resources

Georgetown: The National Assembly has Rapheal Trotmanapproved the budgetary allocations for the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment to the tune of $481M. Minister of Governance Raphael Trotman, was questioned on a number of proposed expenditures before they were approved.Included in the allocations approved was, $126M for Administration for the period January 1 to August 31.

Asked why the number of contracted employees have increased from 17 to 38, Minister Trotman explained that it was a result of the ministry absorbing costs associated with Cuban doctors and other specialists.

Explaining an allocation of $267M, Trotman said this amount listed under Subsidies and Contributions to Local Organisations, reflects the outstanding money for the three national parks and the Protected Areas Commission, as these agencies were only receiving one twelfth of their allocation each month, since the year started.