Georgetown: The Government officially relaunched its National Cadet Corps (NCC) programme at the Hope Secondary School, East Coast Demerara, targeting some 487 students between ages 12 to 16.
The National Cadet Corps aims to ensure that youths are set on a path to realising their true potential, while at the same time, developing certain life skills and understandings. The pilot programme is being executed Guyana Defence Force (GDF), in collaboration with the Ministries of Social Cohesion and Education.
During brief remarks Minister of Social Cohesion, Dr. George Norton recognised the timeliness of the programme and congratulated those who had an input in the preparation of the project’s curriculum.
“From my observation, the course content is very impressive and exciting. Any programme that instils the concept of accountability, responsibility, and etiquette, will have my full support and that of the ministry. For only then, would we be able to produce a cadre of young Guyanese of the finest quality.”
Apart from gaining communication skills, self-discipline and moral values, there will be a component that deals with learning survival skills in the case of disasters and other lifesaving activities, Minister Norton explained.
Minister of Education, Nicolette Henry said that the programme introduces secondary school pupils to vital life skills such as etiquette, and leadership communication; while affording opportunities to travel the country. She observed that it will produce students who have the seriousness of purpose, to fulfil their potential as good citizens.
“It is no coincidence that the majority of presidents, ministers and leaders around the world would have been cadets at some point in time in their life. And so, I would like to place on record the ministry’s support for the programme as we roll it out here in Guyana.”
Minister Henry encouraged students to enrol in the programme, as it provides them with two qualities – capacity and character – essential for their future service.
Brigadier Patrick West, Chief of Staff, Guyana Defence Force (GDF) urged the students to make full use of the opportunity presented to them, and get onboard with the programme. He said that the force remains committed to the successful implementation of the venture.
The Brigadier explained that the programme will be rolled out over a one year period, and will be extended to other areas.
The National Cadet Corps is a brainchild of President David Granger. It will expose students to academics and adventure, training in various areas of technical and other forms of education. It will also provide basic military education while building capacity and character.
The training aspect of the programme will be facilitated by the Guyana People’s Militia.
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