Commissioner of Police Darwin Dottin says the right man was charged in connection with the death of toddler Joshua Boyce.
John FitzGerald Russell, 50, of Dolphin Park, St Patrick’s, Christ Church, was charged with ounlawfully killiing two year old Joshua Boyce in the District A Magistrate’s Court last Monday.
Boyce, who was two years old, died yards from his home at 4th Avenue, Skeete’s Road, The Ivy, St Michael after he was struck with by a car.
Dottin, in breaking his silence on the issue which had evoked much public comment, told media the investigations of the entire incident also involved the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions’ office.
“It was a matter that we looked at very carefully and we took legal advice. It was recommended that the person be charged with manslaughter,” he said.
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