8369 ballots cast in Joint Service polling, 81.8 percent voted

Georgetown: The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has reported a high voter turnout for the joint services who cast their ballots yesterday for the upcoming General and Regional Elections on March 2. The joint services usually vote ahead of the elections.

The commission has reported that 81.8 percent of the joint services voted. This percentage represents 8369 of the 10226 members who cast their ballot on Friday.

The Guyana Police Force saw a turnout of 80.6 percent which represents 5400 officers. The Guyana Defence Force saw 2539 ranks casting their ballots which represents an 83.6 percent turnout. And a total of 430 members of the Guyana Prison Service voted, representing an 88.1 percent turnout.

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) had stated that 60 polling places across the country, would be made available for the service ranks.

After observing polling at several stations Friday, both President David Granger and GECOM Chairman Retired Justice Claudette Singh reported that the process was smooth and without interference.

The Head of State noted that come March 2 he expects a similar process as it relates to the efficiency of the voting process.