Ministry of Health is the latest entity to speak out against music that sends a negative message to society.

   Music is an essential part of our culture and as such it has great influence on our people and more so youths. Music has become one of the more potent tools to spread awareness and to educate people. It is a potent promotional tool. Thus, advertisers and others use jingles to promote their products and messages. The Ministry of Health of Guyana says they often use music to make people aware and in its campaign to change people’s behavior. The subject of music being used to promote unhealthy and negative messages has been something the Ministry of Health in Guyana has keen interest in. According to Health Minister Leslie Ramsammy, Lyrics particularly in recent times have drawn negative responses because of their glorification of stigma, domestic violence and other forms of violence, sexual abuse, multiple sex partnerships and misuse and abuse of alcohol and other illicit substances. Over the last two years in particular, we have noticed the number of popular songs and popular artistes who have begun to glorify alcohol use, misuse and abuse. The messages which seem to suggest that the only way to have fun (“good time”) and the only way to ensure you are attractive to women is by misusing alcohol have become very popular among artistes. This is of major concern to the Ministry of Health. These messages are in direct conflict with the messages the Ministry of Health is trying to present to people in Guyana, particularly children and young adults. Although alcohol has been part of the Guyanese culture for years and many people use it sensibly, its misuse has become a serious and worsening public health problem. Youth culture, through music, fashion and the media, often links alcohol with ‘having a good time’. As the consumption of alcohol has increased, attitudes have changed. Drunkenness is not only increasingly tolerated but for some, has become a desired effect. Minister Ramsammy pointed out that the World Health Organisation recognises alcohol use and abuse has been established as a strong risk factor for Chronic Non Communicable Diseases, road accidents resulting serious long time injuries and deaths, domestic and mental illnesses. There are specific links between alcohol abuse and youth violence.