Rowley says Volney must publicly apologise to CJ

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley says  Justice Minister Herbert Volney must stand up in Parliament and publicly apologise to Chief Justice Ivor Archie for unfairly criticising his office.
Rowley today joined the many voices who have chastised Volney for attacking Archie using the guise of Parliamentary privilege.
During his contribution in the budget debate Volney criticised Archie for occupying “a mansion” paid by taxpayers unlike his predecessors.
Volney claimed the “mansion” was given to Archie as a gift from former Attorney General John Jeremie.
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has distanced her government from Volney’s statement.
Rowley however has said that only an apology in the Parliament would suffice.
Rowley has also called on House Speaker Wade Mark to discipline Volney for the unwarranted attack on Archie.