Allocation of G$4Bn for the Hope/Doch Four Canal Project is being called Executive Arrogance

Despite publicly expressed views by knowledgeable engineers that it would be cheaper and safer to construct the Northern Relief Canal at Flagstaff to the Mahaica River, Government is continuing with the Hope/Doch Four Canal Project which is estimated at G$4 billion dollars of scarce taxpayer funds. The People’s National Congress/Reform is concerned that the heavy siltation in the East Demerara Water Conservancy is progressively limiting it’s storage capacity. Therefore the height of the water is the Conservancy is not truly indicative of excess inundation, but the urgent need to dredge the Conservancy. The Hope/Doch Four Canal Project is an engineering solution for the relief of the Conservancy from the dangers of over topping during excess rainfall.

The Party stated that the Agriculture Ministry claims that the construction cost for the project would be G$3.6 Bn, but additional construction is required for a eight door sluice, sea defence protection, access roadways among other projects which will cost in excess of g$4.0Bn