The Guyana Police Association is of the firm belief that apart from rationalizations in manpower and equipment within the Force’s Traffic Department, the greatest asset in ensuring that the traffic situation is improved is through the engagement of the citizenry. More than any other factor, it is highly dependent on each person’s co-operation and civic duty in recognition of his/her responsibility in relation to the safe use of the roadways.
The Association’s comments came in wake of all the recent deadly accidents that took the lives of many citizens. The Police Association said that it recognises that the maximum use of scientific equipment such as radars and breathalyzers would significantly reduce this lawless behaviour by errant drivers to the benefit of everyone.
The Police Association urges its members to act in accordance with their Oath of Office, and the clearly defined guidelines and principles set out in the Force Standing Orders.
The Association feels that the fight against crime must continue to be enhanced with the assistance of scientific methodology and professionalism in the execution of their duties by members of the Force, with the support of the Community Policing Groups and the public.