Absence of elder in home where two children died by fire is serious issue.

Parfaite Harmonie WBD – Troubling news that two children has died in a fire at Parfaite Harmonie has shocked a community this morning. Information is that Andrea James ten and Jarvin Douglas, age six were burnt in their sleep after their cousins who were home at the time tried desperately to wake them and get them out, but there was barely enough time for them to escape by jumping through the top flat window of their home. The fire reportedly was electrical in nature caused by a sparking wire in the bathroom. The elder who is related as an aunt to the children was at a wake house in the city when news of the tragedy reached her. She is blaming herself for not being there. Some people were heard saying that if somebod big was at home maybe the children’s lives could have been saved. There were five children at home until 10pm. without a guardiian. The tragedy which sadly took the lives of the children is the worst case scenario when children are left alone. Fire investigators continue to examine the scene.