Aeronautical sector boosted with 12 new graduates



Georgetown : Prime Minister Samuel Hinds last evening lauded the growth of the Ogle aeronautical school and told the 12 persons who graduated that they were poised to contribute to service delivery in aeronautics and to the country’s tourism ambition.


The 12 graduates who completed almost three years of training are Dillon Dhanraj, Kadeem Elcock, Andre Freeman, Jonathan Marcus, Drexel Marcus, Damien Munroe, Cleveroy Patrick, Paul Ramlall, Balkrishna Ramsook, Mark Ricknauth, Janelle Shannon and Fidel Vasconcellos.  Cleveroy Patrick was named this year Best Graduating Student.


“You students here today have a great future before you; we will look to you to make your necessary contribution to the growth and development of our country,” the Prime Minister said.


The Prime Minister said more than $1B is being expended for the modernisation and enhancement of air navigation and communication at Timehri and Ogle and an investment to the tune of US$150M is set to be expended to extend the airport terminal at Cheddi Jagan International Airport and towards a new terminal at Ogle.


Art Williams and Harry Wendt Aeronautical Engineering School was founded by its Chief Executive Officer, Captain Malcom Chan-a-Sue. Since the school came into operation 222 students have completed the programme and 104 of these are at present licenced engineers, 20 percent of whom are currently serving the aviation industry in Guyana and abroad.