AG says $40 million NP contract not yet being probed

Trinidad: Attorney General, Anand Ramlogan says there is no National Petroleum report on the investigation into the $40 million contract to Gopaul and Company Limited. Ramlogan now sits in the middle of the controversial contract and said he will have to re-appoint a new team to investigate the matter.When Energy Minister Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan recused herself last week, she said the findings of the investigation would be forwarded to him. In an early morning interview today, Ramlogan though said there would not be any report.

He explained that since the Minister appointed the team and then recused herself, in the vein of transparency, her team could not be used.

He said the decision had nothing to do with lack of trust, but more with the law.

Ramlogan said he was legally bound to re-appoint the team and do over the entire investigation as they may have allegiances top the Minister. Seepersad-Bachan appointed a four person team, three of which worked under her at the Energy Ministry, while the fifth is employed with Petrotrin.

The initial report was expected to be completed yesterday, but this new development means a longer wait for the finalisation and award of the multi-million dollar contract. As it stands now, both shortlisted clients may be ousted as they both have close ties with the Peoples Partnership Government. While Seeprsad-bahcan recused herself because her brother, Curtis Seepersad is linked to CDS Transport, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar stayed at the Gopaul’s Tunapuna home before and after the May 24 general elections last year.

The contract issue was brought to the publics attention when attorney Martin George sent a legal letter to Energy Minister Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan requesting information into the award process on behalf of his client, CDS Transport. CDS was one of two companies shortlisted for the final award, but lost out to Gopaul and Company.
To date the Attorney General was unable to give a new deadline for the completion of his investigation as he has not yet named who would head up this new investigation.