AG to review Terms and Conditions of Civil Works Contracts

Georgetown: President Irfaan Ali has asked the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall to review the terms and conditions of existing civil works contracts. The Head of State made this announcement today, while he emphasised that such action was necessary to address poor performance, substandard work and delays in the timely completion of projects.

President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali

He said, “I have reviewed many projects, where basic elements of project management, like the upkeep of project ledgers, minutes and notes guiding discussions are missing or deliberately not taken, so as to avoid scrutiny. I have therefore asked the AG to review terms and conditions of existing civil works contracts, to tighten the provisions of those contacts. Such reviews must also ensure project managers, consultants and supervisors are also held responsible in the execution of those projects. Special emphasis must be placed on retention periods to ensure defects are corrected before projects are handed over.”

President Ali noted too that while efforts are being made to strengthen and build local capacity, quality and value for money will not be sacrificed.

As such, he maintained that in every community where projects are executed, the National Democratic Councils (NDC) should have a copy of the bill of quantities and scope of work. In addition, copies of those documents should be publicly displayed at a central location in the communities itself, to enhance participation and oversight.

“Contractors, supervisors, and project units must be held accountable so as to avoid pitfalls in contract delivery and value. The regional systems will also be strengthened to enhance their oversight responsibility,” President Ali stated.

The Government has maintained that all measures will be taken to ensure that there is transparency and accountability in the interest of the public good.