Georgetown : A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) supports Jaipaul Sharma and rejects Priya Manickchand’s“ statement. APNU is dissatisfied with the statement of the Minister of Education Ms. Priya Manickchand to APNU Member of Parliament Mr. Jaipaul Sharma. The Minister was heard to utter unsavory and totally unacceptable remarks during the Budget debates on Tuesday 3rd April 2014 Speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Raphael Trotman correctly called on her to apologise. APNU feels that the Speaker’s Ruling was justified, that Ms. Manickchand would not be recognized during the 2014 Budget debates unless she apologized to Mr. Sharma. Ms. Manickchand issued a statement the following day but APNU is far from satisfied with its content. Mr. Jaipaul Sharma is a vital member of the APNU team. The Partnership stands solidly in support of him.
Meanwhile TrakkerNews understands that Jaipaul Sharma had tendered his resignation as a member of Parliament to the Speaker of the National Assembly this afternoon.