A large number of persons applying to join the Barbados Defence Force do not possess on Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) certificate.
Chief of Staff of Barbados Defence Force (BDF) Colonel Alvin Quintyne told Trakker News these individuals were being turned away because they lacked the qualifications to become a soldier.
"I am not happy with the individuals who are applying to join the BDF relative to their academic qualifications. We have a problem where a very high percentage of applicants do not have even one CXC and we require Maths and English", Quintyne said.
Another factor causing concern for Quintyne was even though the BDF set its own examination for those without the neccessary qualifications, many of these individuals were failing it as well.
"We have our own internal Maths and English test and even this which is in my view, a little above Common Entrance, we have applicants who cannot pass such a test and this is hampering the numbers being recruited into the force", he lamented.