Arthur promise strong leadership


Former Prime Minister Owen Arthur says he will be a strong leader the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) is elected to office in the general elections on February 21.

“I say to you that there has been not time in our country’s development where leadership matters more than now than now. I offer you a leadership tried, leadership that has been tested and leadership that had been proven”, Arthur told a huge crowd at a political meeting held at Haggatt Hall, St Michael over the weekend.

Arthur said that Prime Minister Freundel Stuart had failed the leadership test because he did not know how to make decisions.

The current Leader of the Opposition said during his 14 years as Prime Minister from 1994 to 2008 and he did not hesitate to make them.

“I am asking you to judge what kind of government we will give this country by the way we are running this campaign. Only a disciplinrd poltical institution, only serious political institution should be vested to lead a serious country in these difficult and challenging times”, Arthur said.IMG_2143