Ashni Singh challenges MPs to put Guyana first

Georgetown : As the Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh wrapped up his budget presentation on Friday last which comes as a prelude to the debates, he charged that, “We have before us an incomparable chance to put this configuration to the test.”

He was at the time referring to the current make-up of the Parliamentary Structure, where the ruling party has a 32 seat bloc vote as against a combined 33 seat block vote for the combined opposition.
“Much has been said about the opportunities presented by the current Parliamentary configuration and the promise it holds…Much has also been said about the perils and challenges that emerge from this configuration,” reminded Dr Singh.
The Finance Minister Dr Singh said that “it is my fervent hope that the debate on this budget will see all of my colleagues in this Honourable House putting Guyana first, recommitting to the better Guyana of tomorrow, to which we all aspire, and voting in favour of Budget 2012.”
According to Dr Singh Members of Parliament will meet to debate the National Budget but, “we cannot be unmindful of the context in which small economies such as ours confront the challenges of development.”
He sought to impress on the MPs that “Today’s external environment is characterised by a virtually limitless interconnectedness that exacerbates exposure and vulnerabilities as much as it creates opportunities…The resulting uncertainty has manifested itself in considerable economic trauma for many small economies, including some in our Region.”
He said too that it is to the collective credit as a country that “we have traversed these perilous times and emerged thus far an even stronger economy.”
Dr Singh reminded that the growth that the country has achieved in recent years bears testimony to the soundness and responsibility of the administration’s policies.
“It also bears testimony to the response by our private sector which has been positive and sustained…we are literally at the most exciting juncture in our country’s economy history, poised for rapid takeoff.”
The Minister urged that as long as the large scale investment in such sectors as information technology, mineral extraction, and agriculture materialise, the implications for growth and job creation, and income and wealth generation will be vast.
He remarked that the beneficiaries will ultimately be the people of Guyana “whom we in this Honourable House serve.”