Georgetown : The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCCA) under a Government of Guyana Capital project to modernise the Air Navigation Services has installed new navigational equipment, the Timehri Instrument Landing System (ILS) which includes approach Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) and the new High Powered DME co-located with the Timehri Very High Frequency Omni directional Radio Range (VOR).
These enroute navigational and landing aids were flight checked, tested and certified during the first week of February 2012 and have been commissioned for use by aircraft operating in Guyana’s National Airspace.
The ILS provides enhanced capability during bad weather with poor visibility since it allows flight crews to make precision approaches for landing. The system comprises a Localizer Transmitter, a Glide Path Transmitter and Distance Measuring Equipment. When an aircraft approaches to land and is on final approach it intercepts the Localizer which gives accurate horizontal guidance along the centerline of the runway. When intersected at the correct angle with the Glide Path, the instrument in the cockpit will indicate to the flight crew that their aircraft is precisely on the centerline and at the correct gradient.
The Timehri ILS is category I which will safely guide an aircraft to a lower decision height of 200ft above the runway as against 520 ft when only the VOR is in use.
The DME gives information on the distance the aircraft is from the runway and is co-located with the VOR provides more accurate positioning of an aircraft. These tools provide bearing and distance information which are used in the air traffic management environment to pinpoint aircraft positions relative to each other in order to provide a more efficient and effective service. Use of airspace is optimized because more precise position information is available to air traffic controllers.
The air traffic controllers who manage our airspace can apply more efficient separation standards to ensure adequate spacing between aircraft, optimizing use of airspace and allowing aircraft to operate at their optimum profile while ensuring safety of our skies.
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