West Bank Demerara : A display of courage and bravery by two victims of an armed robbery at a Chinese Restaurant last night in Parfaith Harmony, Canal No# 1 Polder, West Bank Demerara, led to the apprehension of one of the suspects along with a component of their firearm and one of the victims wallet and cash.
About11:30pm the 48 and 46 yrs. old victims were at the Jods Chinese Restaurant when the unmasked suspects, one armed with a handgun pounced and relieved them of their valuables including a wallet and an undisclosed amount of cash, during which a round was discharged.
A scuffle then ensued and the magazine of the firearm fell out and was retrieved by one of the victims.
At that stage, the suspect with the gun threw the weapon to the other suspect who caught same and escaped but he was not so lucky as he was firmly held and handed over to the police who promptly arrived. The wallet with the cash belonging to one of the victims was found in the possession of the suspect who is 23 yrs. old and hails from Middle Street, La Penitence.
Diligent efforts are being made to have the other suspect arrested.
Enquiries are in process.