Barbadian women unhappy with their jobs


Forty percent of the workforce in Barbados are dissatisfied with their wages, while more women are unhappy in their jobs than their male colleagues.

This observation was made by Kim Tudor, chief executive officer of the National Intitative for Service Execllence(NISE) at the tenth Biennial Scientific Conference For The Association of Occupational Therapists.

Tudor said, employees' understanding of what was required of them was one of the lowest scoring areas in the NISE Employee Enagagement Index (NEEX)>

Tudor stated men were more satisfied with their work than women, she added almost 40 percent of employees were not satisfy with they remuneration. She stressed that role clarity was important to every organization.

"When employees know what to do, what is expected of them, are aware of priorites and the most effective working methods, the organization's level effectiveness and efficiency will increase and performance will improve in equal measure" Tudor said.