BCCI president say Bridgetown could collapse


President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce & Industry Lalu Vaswani has issued a call for the Government to play in major role in the Revitalization of Bridgetown Project.

“Something needs to be done if not Bridgetown will collapse,” Vaswani said during courtsey call to newly appointed Minister of Industry, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development Donville Inniss.

The BCCI president told the Minister it was he and the other stakeholders vision to see Bridgetown transformed into a City of diversity blending commerce with culture, entertainment, heritage and tourism.

Vaswani told the Minister that the vision was established with short, medium and long term goals in mind. He noted that it was the objective of chamber to take over from what anyone else was doing but to be the driving force to bring together ideals and shared beliefs in order to so they could plan a way forward strategically. laluVaswani