One of Barbados’ leading heavyweight boxers Anderson Fitzgerald Emmanuel, was remanded to Her Majesty’s Prison Dodds yesterday.
Emmanuel appeared in the District A Magistrate Court on the indictable charge that on July 24, he robbed Russell Whyte of four bracelets valued $4500,two rings value $8400, a chain value $2000 and $3000 cash.
The Commonwealth, CAC, and Pan Am medallist who lives at Fairway Gardens in Christ Church won a bronze medal for Barbados at the Pan American Games in October.
Prosecutor Sergeant Rudy Alleyne on the grounds that the offence was of a serious nature,he added that Emmanuel had been recently been taken into police custody and another person was being sought and that if he was given bail the possibility existed that he would interfere with the virtual complainant and might not turn up for the trial.
Attorney Allan Carter who appeared on Emmanuel’s behalf told the court he was surprised by some of the prosecution’s grounds for objecting to bail.
He sated the complainant was a Guyanese national who was presently out of the jurisdiction, in addition he stated that a witness did not identify Emmuanuel during a identification parade.
Carter told the court, his client was married and employed.
Magistrate Graveney bannister denied bail and remanded Emmanuel to prison until January 17, the boxer who was the National Sports Personality of the year in 2006 broke down in tears.
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