BUT including non teaching staff among its members


The Barbados Union of Teachers (BUT) is planning to increase its membership by attracting non teaching staff in the education sector.

President of the BUT Jeff Shepherd, told Trakker News the union is planning to revising its constitution next month.

" We are planning to embrace janitors, clerk typists, guidance counsellors, anyone who has any responsibility for educating the children of this nation the BUT is will and prepared to represent them in any matter", says Shepherd .

He said the union looked forward to the day when a new consitution is in place and it could move forward in represnting all education personnel on the island.

Shepherd stated that the executive of the BUT was working feverishly to finalise a collective bargaining document for presentation to the Government. He said the BUT competed its end of the bargain in July and was waiting on the Ministry of the Civil Service to do its part toward making a final document available.