Georgetown: Approximately thirty Caribbean Community (CARICOM) broadcasters are scheduled for a workshop on regional integration and the CARICOM Single Market and Economy CSME in Antigua and Barbuda 16-17 January, 2014.
The activity, organized by the CARICOM Secretariat with funding from the 10th European Development Fund (EDF), is taking place at the Jolly Beach Resort and Spa and broadcasters from across the Region will be exposed to topics such as: The Free Movement of Skills/Persons; The Caribbean Court of Justice and its importance to the Regional Integration Movement; and Nationals Doing Business within the CSME.
The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, the Honourable Baldwin Spencer is scheduled to provide remarks during a brief opening ceremony. Presentations are expected from representatives of the CARICOM Secretariat; The University of the West Indies (UWI); The Caribbean Broadcasting Union (CBU); The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ); the Association of Caribbean Media Workers; and the public and private sector in Antigua and Barbuda.
There will also be presentations for the development of broadcast skills in delivering and disseminating information on trade and regional integration.
The event is a continuation of public education and sector specific training activities carried out by the Secretariat. This is the fifth broadcasters training workshop on regional integration and the CSME facilitated by the Secretariat in collaboration with regional bodies.
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