CARICOM to resolve regional cricket among other issues


Georgetown : Twenty-Third Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in Paramaribo, Suriname, on March 9th, the leaders agreed to seek an urgent meeting between the Prime Ministerial Sub-Committee on Cricket and the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) before the end of March 2012 to try and resolve several issues. In this regard, they received a report presented by the Government of Guyana, with respect to the ongoing situation in that country. 
The mandate given to the sub-committee includes a mediation role in the on-going disputes between Mr. Christopher Gayle and the WICB as well as issues related to the governance of cricket.
In the latter regard, the sub-Committee will review the state of implementation of the Patterson Report on Governance of West Indies Cricket in collaboration with the WICB.
Heads of Government were of the view that the recent statement by the WICB responding to the Prime Minister of Jamaica was insensitive, out of order and disappointing.


Heads of Government agreed to support Suriname’s initiative to develop a regional commercial enterprise to assist with the funding of the Community’s institutions.  They endorsed the proposal for Suriname to undertake an initial feasibility study for the establishment of CARICOM Enterprises.  
They also agreed to the establishment of a Regional Task Force to examine the proposal in greater detail and that Suriname should serve as the Chair of the Task Force with Barbados, Guyana, Haiti, and Jamaica, a representative of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and Trinidad and Tobago as members. An ‘Implementation Plan for the Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change’ which defines the Region’s strategic approach for coping with climate change for the period 2011 – 2021 has been approved. Heads expressed appreciation for the support of International Development Partners and pledged to support the further efforts of the Climate Change Centre and the CARICOM Secretariat in the execution of the Plan.
Heads of Government recognised the importance and sensitivities of the issues relating to the “Green Economy Framework” and the institutional strengthening of the International Framework for Sustainable Development.  They agreed that the special development challenges faced by the small vulnerable developing states should be fully acknowledged in the Rio + 20 outcomes. 
To address these and other related matters, Heads of Government endorsed the hosting of a special meeting of the COTED on Sustainable Development to finalise a common regional position on the issues before the Rio+20 Conference.
They also took note of the continued growing relation between the Republics of Guyana and Venezuela, expressing the hope that the existing friendly relations will aid the resolution of the issue that Venezuela’s contention that the boundary with Guyana, is null and void.
Heads of Government reaffirmed their support for the maintenance of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Guyana.
CARICOM Heads noted that the Deputy Secretary-General, Ambassador Lolita Applewhaite would complete her tenure at the CARICOM Secretariat in June 2012.  They expressed sincere appreciation to Ambassador Applewhaite for her committed and distinguished service to the CARICOM Secretariat and the wider community.  They expressed particular appreciation for her stewardship of the Secretariat in her capacity as Acting Secretary-General from January to August 2011.
Agreement was reached on the dates of July 4th-6th, 2012 for the convening of its Thirty-Third Regular Meeting to be held in Saint Lucia under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister, Dr. Kenny Anthony.