CFAT calls for Political commitment and action plan after meeting with opposition MPS

Opposition meets CFATGeorgetown : Representatives of the combined parliamentary opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and The Alliance for Change (AFC) yesterday met with representatives of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Hadfield Street Georgetown.

According to a joint opposition statement the meeting provided an opportunity to brief members of the opposition on the operations of CFATF and Guyana’s responsibilities within the ambit of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Act 2009.

Mr. Michael Fraser, Political and Economic Chief US Embassy, Mr. Roger Hernandez CFATF and Ms. C Murray- Bailey of the Trinidad and Tobago Anti-Money Laundering Unit, comprised the visiting team. Mr. Roger Hernandez  gave a detailed overview of the organization of CFATF and the importance of legislation and a credible action plan to satisfy the requirements of the Task Force. He said that Guyana was evaluated in 2010 and put in an expedited follow up process, which required reporting every 6 months.  In May 2013 Guyana was placed by CFATF on a “Public Statement” for failing to meet deadlines and being non-compliant with all 16 requirements. Both Mr. Hernandez and Ms. Murray- Bailey stressed that passage of legislation by Guyana would not be enough to remove the country from its present status. Mr. Hernandez said that legislation alone would serve to meet one key and critical elements of the compliance requirement, but it would not be enough to remove Guyana from the expedited status.  The CFATF representative said that what was required was political commitment combined with an action plan.

 The Opposition team comprised Mr. Rupert Roopnarine, Mr. Basil Williams, Mr Joseph Harmon, Mr. Keith Scott and Mr. Mark Archer from APNU, and Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan and Mr. David Patterson from the AFC.