Chief elections officer further delays recount, GECOM chair reengages CARICOM

Georgetown: Further frustrating the electoral process, Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lownfield who was supposed to present plan for a national recount of votes cast on March 02 to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Tuesday instead brought excuses about issues of clarification on various issues.

Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield

This is according to GECOM Commissioner Sase Gunraj who said although there was a failure to agree on the plan for a national, a visit to the Arthur Chung Conference Centre will be done on Wednesday to move the process along.

Lownfield had initially proposed a 156-day timeline for the process, something which was shunned by the PPP commissioners.

“We thought we were clear and that those discussions would then translate into an amended document,” Commissioner Gunraj said.

He explained that an entire election was done on March, 2nd and almost all ten regions were counted in a few day, but a recount is being strategically delayed by government elected agents inside GECOM.

“I understand the frustration of the nation,” he said.  Gunraj has proposed the setting up of 20 workstations at the Conference Centre and at the site visit Wednesday he will seek to point out how that could happen using both inside and outside of the facility.

Commissioner Vincent Alexander said he thought all the issues were clarified. Alexander said he would “hope and pray” that there could be a plan Wednesday but said he wouldn’t put his head on a block.

The Chair of GECOM, Justice (rt’d) Claudette Singh, has also written to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) seeking to re-engage the previous team to play a leading role in the process.