Georgetown: Guyana’s efforts to combat corruption in the public sector will be highlighted at the eight Summit of the Americas being held in Lima, Peru from April 13-14.
Second Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge, told the Guyanese media in Lima, Peru Thursday, “Guyana would wish to share with the others the initiative that we have embarked on in relation to dealing with corruption [and] trying to ensure accountability.”
Minister Greenidge is attending the Summit in the place of President David Granger. He explained that the President is currently addressing “urgent” matters relating to border security. “As you know he has spent the last eight or so weeks travelling and paying some special attention to challenges on the frontiers,” Minister Greenidge explained.
The fight against corruption, especially in public office, is a core principle of the APNU+AFC administration. Since assuming office in 2015, the government has been putting measures in place root out corruption.
An important measure was the introduction of legislation that specifically addresses pilfering of state resources. The State Assets Recovery Act was passed in the National Assembly in April of 2017.
The Act establishes a “State Assets Recovery Agency (SARA) in consonance with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption 2003, headed by a Director who shall be a corporation sole to recover through civil proceedings State property unlawfully acquired by a public official or any other person” among other related matters.
The administration fulfilled another key commitment with the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission. In October 2015, President Granger swore in the five-member commission with the aim of improving transparency in the awarding of public projects.
The government has also facilitated a number of forensic audits in more than 40 state agencies.
Thursday Minister Greenidge represented Guyana in the first Ministerial Level Meeting of 2018 of the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG), the core management of the Summits Process.
The SIRG is expected to consider and approve a draft Lima Commitment titled “Democratic Governance against Corruption”. Guyana is expecting “a firm embrace” of the principles captured in the Commitment Minister Greenidge noted.
In a more regional context, Minister Greenidge said the Summit is an opportunity for countries to share ideas and approaches to address the challenges faced in the fight against corruption.
The Summit of the Americas is a meeting of more than 30 world leaders from Latin America, the Caribbean, USA and Canada. The aim of the Summit is to jointly seek solutions to improve the quality of life of the citizens of the Americas.
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