Cost U Less opens


A branch of the international warehouse chain Cost U Less was open in Barbados over the weekend.

Speaking at the officially opening of the $30 million warehouse facility, Vice president and general manager Tom Kallio assured Barbadians that local products will be on the shelves of the megastore.

Local items were on display at during the official opening but Kallio hinted that some Barbadians product may need some tweaking to be approved.

"We are very much supporters of Barbadians growers and manufacturers. We will look at all the products available and if they can work for our model, we will buy them and ask that the packagaging be reajusted", Kallio said.

"We wish to sell a lot of local product. If we can get that none everbody will be a winner", Kallio added.

He assured Barbadians that several measures were in place to keep operartional cost down to ensure lower prices.

Over 100 Barbadians are employed at the new warehouse.

The warehouse store has already employed over 105 Barbadian