DDL advances clean energy goals

Georgetown: As part of DDL’s drive to employ clean energy sources for its power generation, the company recently commissioned Guyana’s first LNG regasification terminal at its compound at Plantation Diamond and is now using LNG to power its operations.

Mark Superville of Safety Pass Alliance Trinidad and Tobago (SPATT) Limited with DDL employees during the practival sessions of the LNG Training

LNG, or liquefied natural gas, is natural gas that has been chilled to minus 160 Celsius turning into a liquid and making it safe to load and transport in specially designed containers. When warmed back to atmospheric temperature at DDL’s regasification terminal, the LNG becomes natural gas and is used to power electric generators and boilers. When used for power generation, natural gas emits significantly less carbon dioxide (CO2), fewer sulphur and nitrogen oxides, and almost zero particulate matter, making it the cleanest of all fossil fuels. Working with its Trinidad based LNG fuel supplier, ICON LNG Trinidad Limited, DDL converted a pair of its diesel generators to dual fuel, which are powered on a mixture of natural gas and diesel, thus helping it become one of Guyana’s cleanest power producing companies.

“We are very excited to be the first Guyanese company to use LNG for our power generation needs,” said DDL’s Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Vasudeo Singh. “As part of our efforts to diversify our fuel supply to cleaner alternatives we studied the options and concluded that LNG or natural gas is a safe and proven fuel globally as well as here in the Caribbean region where it is being used extensively in Jamaica, Barbados and the Dominican Republic in operations similar to ours. We are also pleased to partner with ICON LNG who provided us a turnkey equipment and supply solution for regular LNG deliveries.”

To support the LNG operations DDL also recently held a full day training seminar for a number of its employees covering LNG awareness and safe handling procedures. The training course was conducted by experienced health and safety instructor, Mr. Mark Superville, of Safety Pass Alliance Trinidad and Tobago (SPATT) Limited.

The course covered a range of critical topics including the properties of LNG, LNG tank design, loading and unloading procedures, required personal protective equipment and spill response procedures. Also included in the training was a hands-on curriculum at DDL’s regasification terminal where attendees became familiar with the operational controls of the LNG tanks as well as the proper procedures for connecting and disconnecting the tanks to the regasification terminal. Port personnel and truck operators from John Fernandes Ltd also attended the training seminar.