Deadline extended for OLPF application forms – 33,000 currently being examined.


Georgetown : Application forms for the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) programme are still being accepted as the OLPF Secretariat is currently scrutinising 33,000 already submitted in the lead up to the roll out.
Information from those already collected is being entered into a database, clearing the way for several more that continue to pour in. Speaking to the media at a joint press conference at the Office of the President, Project Coordinator Sesh Sukhdeo said the date entry process will be followed by verification.

Sukhdeo disclosed that bids from Giftland OfficeMax, Digital Technology and CCS were appraised and the latter came closest given that much clarification was needed from the other two.
He explained that in one case the bid document submitted by Giftland OfficeMax, had “Leonova” instead of the “Leonovo” brand and the requirement for the submission of a manufacturer’s authorization was absent.
A decision has subsequently been taken to retender and according to the Finance Minister a meeting is to be convened on June 4 between the project office and potential suppliers to clear the air on the tender criteria.

A total of $1.8B has been allocated for the initiative which will see 90,000 computers delivered to families within two years and priority has been given to mostly vulnerable groups such as single parents and the differently-abled.