Education Month 2019 launched

Georgetown: Education Month 2019 was formally launched today and the month will be observed under the theme: “Education: the Key to National Development” with several activities planned for September.

Minister of Education, Dr. Nicolette Henry delivering the feature address

Delivering the feature address at the recent launch held at the Ministry’s Sports Ground, Carifesta Avenue was the Minister of Education, Dr. the Hon. Nicolette Henry. She said that lead by His Excellency, the Government of Guyana believes that education is the key to national development and if education fails, the nation fails.

She said that in 2019, $52.2 billion was allocated to the education sector which represents a 15 per cent increase from what was allocated to the sector from the national budget. “This investment in education is crucial and critical to the development of this nation”, Minister Henry noted.

According to Minister Henry, in the formal education system, the Government of Guyana has made a priority to bridge the gap between the Hinterland and Coastland with the view and understanding that the development of a nation is dependent on all of its people. She added, “Education is the bedrock of any meaningful development.”

Minister Henry said that development cannot be sought without the development of the nation’s people. She said that the sector is performing well and this is possible because of the commitment and dedication of each person within the sector that serves with a purpose.

She commended the teachers, education officers and staff of the Ministry for their dedication, hard work, and commitment and in some cases sacrifice that result in the great performance by the sector.

Chief Education Officer, Dr. Marcel Hutson during his presentation said that Education Month 2019 marks the beginning of another chapter in the history of the education system.

He said that progress as a nation can be no swifter than the progress in education. The CEO said that Guyana must do everything to protect and enrich its human resource.

He said that education performs many functions including the transmission of culture through the instilling of social norms, values and beliefs into the next generation, facilitating social integration, career selection, socialisation, rational thinking and patriotism.

Speaking to students, Dr. Hutson urged them to be focused on learning in the classroom and to be respectful to teachers. He encouraged teachers and headteachers to continue teaching and leading with purpose, knowing that they are liberating the minds of young people.

Each year the month of September is observed as ‘Education Month’. This year the Ministry of Education has planned over 20 activities across Guyana to engage all stakeholders in education.

During the launch, there were performances by the National School of Dance, the Buxton Steel Orchestra and the South Ruimveldt Secondary School.