Employment rights legislation by year-end


The overdue employment rights legislation, shoud be on the statute books of Barbados by the end of the year,

Prime Minister Freundel Stuart make the disclosure yesterday before a massive crowd attending the May Day celebrations at Browne's Beach, St Michael.

"For many many years, we have been talking about employment rights legislation in this country.I want to say to you today that the Minister of Labour ,the Honourable Dr Esther Byer-Suckoo, has been evangelical in her pursuit of this piece of legislation," Stuart told the crowd.

"Every present indication is that before the end of the year 2011, the legislation will be on the statute books.And the workers and the employers of Barbados will have before them a clearer understanding of their respective rights and duties," said Stuart. 

He added that this should help deepen and humanise our industrail relations environment and the overall society as a whole.