Energy is integral to country’s economic growth, development-GEA

Mahendra-sharma-a2Georgetown: Energy is integral to a country’s economic growth and development. It supports diverse economic activities such as transportation, agriculture and manufacturing, all of which undoubtedly are key sectors of development.  Additionally, it is also a major contributor to health and well-being, given that it provides services such as heating, lighting, transportation and cooling, according to GEA CEO, Mahender Sharma.

Sharma said “… the rational and efficient use of energy requires behavioural changes to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.” He further stated that, “energy efficiency improvements refer to a reduction in the energy used for a given service or level of activity. The reduction in the energy consumption is usually associated with technological changes, but not always since it can also result from better organisation and management or improved economic conditions in the sector (non-technical factors).”

The question therefore that arises is, “How can we conserve energy when using a motor vehicle?” The answer really is quite simple… by being ‘auto smart’. “By simply combining errands into one trip, one can save on fuel consumption,” said Sharma. “… the fact is that several short trips taken from a cold start can use twice as much fuel as one trip covering the same distance.”

He further posited that public transportation vehicles like minibuses and taxis can attain greater fuel economy by operating within prescribed speed limits as speeding, rapid acceleration, hard and constant braking, waste gas.

“… ensuring tyres are properly aligned and inflated, using air conditioners only when needed, taking unnecessary weight out of the vehicle, are all ways in which you can consume less fuel,” he concluded.  Simple tips that once adopted and practised will benefit not only one’s wallet but will positively impact the economy and environment.

Some additional tips for better gas mileage/fuel efficiency are: use a bicycle or walk (when appropriate) to reduce energy cost. Cycling or walking is best during heavy traffic and helps you stay fit and healthy; try to maintain a constant rate, especially when driving long distances. Excessive acceleration and braking waste fuel; consider buying a smaller, more fuel efficient vehicle. By consuming less fuel, it will help the environment; open the windows on hot days to cool the vehicle before turning on the air conditioner. A car’s air conditioner is an added burden on your engine. Air conditioners set at lower temperatures consume more energy.