Georgetown : First Lady Mrs. Sandra Granger handed over a quantity of shoes to the David Rose School for the Handicapped and theCouncil of Friends of New Amsterdam (COFONA) group. The Guyana Action Committee (GAC) donated these shoes to the First Lady’s Office.
The First Lady explained that during one of her visits to New York, she met with officials from the GAC, who indicated an interest in being part of one of the many programmes that her Office spearheads. She subsequently received requests from Ms. Melissa Leecock from the David Rose School and the COFONA Group, whose members need the footwear to participate in the 50th Anniversary of Independence Day activities.
Ms. Marcia Williams of the COFONA Group expressed her gratitude to the First Lady and the GAC. She said that, “the band is comprised of children from less fortunate communities and broken and single-parent homes so they do need the help and we are very grateful.”
In the past few months, the First Lady has collaborated with the Ministry of Social Cohesion to implement the ‘Shoes that Grow’ project, which specifically targets children in hinterland communities. This project complements President David Granger’s Boats, Buses and Bicycles + Breakfast and Books (Five Bs’) programme.
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