Tobago: Former Labour Minister Rennie Dumas has resigned as Coordinator of the Strategic Oversight Unit in the Office of the Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA). The resignation has been accepted by THA Chief Secretary Orville London.
Dumas says his decision was prompted by the receipt of a summons to appear as a defendant on a charge before a magistrate at the Scarborough Magistrates Court. He has been charged with common assault.
He wrote to the Chief Sceretary saying, “Today I received a summons to appear as a defendant on a charge before the magistrate at the Scarborough Magistrates’ Court to answer a complaint according to Section 14, of the Offence Against the People Act, Chapter 11.08.
” In the circumstances, I hereby tender my resignation from the post of Coordinator, Strategic Oversight Unit, Office of the Chief Secretary, with immediate effect.”
He thanked the Chief Secretary for the opportunity to serve and said he wanted to assure, express and pledge his full support and appreciation for all that he is doing towards the sustainable development of Tobago.
Dumas served firstly as a PNM Senator and then as a Member of Parliament for Tobago East, a seat he won in 2007. He served as the Minister of Labour, Small and Macro Enterprises in the Patrick Manning administration.
He is charged with assualting Roger Simon, who claims that Dumas slapped him across his face with a licensed gun owned by Dumas, after Dumas accused him of trespassing and stealing materials from the lands belonging to the former minister, at Arnos Vale in Plymouth.
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