Garica still waiting to be free


Raul Garica will have to wait until November have to wait until November to find out if his dentention by the Immigration Department will be over.

Last week mediation by Justice Margaret Reifer earned Garica the right to have a radio and television at his detention facility located at the headquarters of the Barbados Defense Force Headquarters .

Yesterday his lawyers, David Comissiong, Paula Jemmott and Ajamu Boardi went to court seeking further amelioration of conditions.

This was not to be even after after two hours of meeting between Comissiong and Donna Brathwaite  attorney for the Chief Immigration Officer  ended in a stalemate in  Justice Reifer’s chambers.

A disappointed Comissiong told the press he would make no further no  submission to the court for Garica’s conditions to be improved.

Instead, he will concentrate on the substantive matter brought in a habeas corpus writ last week asking the court to determine if Garcia’s detention had surpassed a reasonable time and was now unlawful.