Gas pipeline with Trinidad could be a reality soon


A natural gas pipeline linking Barbados and Trnidad and Tobago could be a reality within the next 18 months, this disclosure was made by Prime Minister of Barbados Freundel Stuart at a media briefing yesterday, where he highlighted some of the subjects discussed  outside of the main intersessional dialogue at the t 23rd inter-sesional meeting of the Heads of Government held in Suriname.

Stuart said he held discussions with Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Kamala Persad Bissessar on a finding a conclusion to the fishing dispute  between the two countries.

On the subject of the pipeline Stuart said:”One of the first things the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago made clear to me was that her Cabinet had already agreed on the issue and that negotiations at theinter-governmental level have mature to the point where her Cabinet could take a decision and to determine, or begin to determine the length of the lease which Barbados would have in the first instance”.

“We were asking for a 25 year lease, they were saying 15 but in the bilateral meeting we agreedto meet each other halfway and came up with a 20 year lease in the first instance to get that natural gas pipeline arrangement going”, he added.

“The technocrats in Barbados will be working with the technocrats in T&T and hopefully within another 18 months or so there should be a natural gas pipeline between Barbados and Trinidad”, the Prime Minister said.