Gays evicted from house by police officers


Police officers evicted  a large number of gay men from a abandoned house at upscale Milsborough Avenue, St Andrew late yesterday evening."If mi go back home, mi dead," wailed one young man, whose face was bleached white, not unlike other members of his group.

The team of lawmen, wearing dust masks and armed with high-powered weapons, encircled the men in spectacular fashion and herded them out into the yard as they attempted to make their escape.

"Mi a beg you a week to find somewhere else," pleaded one man. "Why the picture (photographs)?" he protested, as a team of journalists and photographers accompanied the police party on the premises.

The police told journalists  the building would be demolished today, after residents complained that the men have been wreaking havoc in the usually quiet neighbourhood.

"This location will no longer be habitable because things will change," said Island Special Constabulary Force commander for the New Kingston Police Post, Christopher Murdoch.

But even as the talkative young men beseeched the police for a chance to remain on the premises for a while longer, they also vociferously sought to distance themselves from rampant perpetrators of a range of crimes that have been taking place in the area.