GECOM to finalize extension date

Georgetown: June, 16, 2020 has been proposed as the extended date for the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) recount and tabulation.

On Wednesday GECOM seven member team met along with the Chief Elections Officer. The team is expected to meet again Thursday to finalize the date.

With three days left in its original 25-day timetable for the recount of votes from the March 2 polls, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) only completed 55% of the recount.

Initially, there were 10 workstations at the recount venue, however, after the Commission met to access the process and the duration, it was decided that more stations be added.

The Commission would identified six possible sites but after engaging the National COVID-19 Task Force (NCTF), it was permitted to add two of these units in keeping with the social and physical distancing protocols established to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.