Chaguanas: Hundreds are at this time gathering at the Mid-Centre Mall in Chaguanas, Central Trinidad for celebrations of the People’s Partnership Government’s anninversary in office.
The celebrations will included speeches from all five leaders of the partnership as well as the chairman of the United National Congress (UNC) Jack Warner and deputy political leader of the UNC, Dr Roodal Moonilal.
Entertainers Roy Cape and the All Stars, Benjai, Nigel Rojas and Anil Bheem are among those listed to perform. The official ceremony is carded to start at 7.30 pm and run until 9.10 pm.
One year ago the UNC’s base, Rienzi Complex in Couva saw its biggest crowd as thousands celebrated the party’s victory in the polls over the People’s National Movement, winning the election by 29 seats to 12 and giving this country a female prime minister for the first time in its history.
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