Georgetown : The Government of Guyana is committed to longterm relations with Oldendorff Carriers (Guyana) Inc. Oldendorff Carriers is a company located in the Berbice River, involved in the shipping logistics for the Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc. (BCGI) and RUSAL.
Today Oldendorff’s General Manager Paul Mohn, and Director of Projects Scott Jones, met with Minister of State Joseph Harmon at his Ministry of the Presidency office. Director Jones explained that his company has had an extremely good experience in Guyana and is keen on continuing its operations here. He additionally lobbied for government’s support in his company’s continued servicing of BCGI, RUSAL and the bauxite industry.
Minister Harmon told the company executives that Oldendorff has government’s full support in the continuation of its operations here. He said, “I am giving you the assurance and the satisfaction that this government would be happy to continue working with your company, because we know your investment is long-term.”
The Minister added that the government of Guyana respects thatOldendorff’s operations have provided employment for a large amount of Guyanese; he said those employees can be assured that government will not take any measures that will place them on the breadline or compromise their livelihoods. Minister Harmon believes that support must begiven to facilities like Oldendorff; a move that will ensure continued employment opportunities for this nation’s people.
OldendorffCarriers (Guyana) Inc. has been operating here, moving and loading bauxite for export purposes since 2006. The Minister of State is expected to tour the facilities soon.
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