Government conducting study on food imports


The Government of Barbados has commissioned a study that could reduce the number of food products imported into the island.

According to Minister of Agriculture Dr David Estwick, the survey would assist the Government in recducing the high food import bill since any produce which could be grown locally would not be imported into the island.

Last year food import bill stood at  US$326.8 million: After  the information is collected rest assured as long as I am Minister of Agriculture, I am going to Cabinet and those crops will not be imported into Barbados as long as we can produce them”, says Estwick.

“Where there is a production cycle and we have evidence that we can grow the crop , we will utilise Article 21 under the revised Treaty of Chaguaramas, which made it clear to no food item can be imported into CARICOM unless there is prove that it cannot be grown in the region, Estwick added.