GPL implements plans to improve supply at Essequibo-CEO

Georgetown : As the Guyana Power and Light Incorporated (GPL) advances efforts to improve power supply and eliminate power disruptions on the Essequibo Coast, it will be implementing immediate, short, medium and long-term plans which will see generation shortage on the Coast a thing of the past.

This is according to GPL’s Chief Executive Officer, Albert Gordon, who told the Department of Public Information (DPI) that the plans were agreed upon following a meeting with himself and GPL’s official at the Anna Regina Power Station. He said these plans will immediately address the deficiencies at the Anna Regina Power Station. 

Gordon explained that while the power situation has stabilised, these plans are crucial since managing peak periods, with the four generator units, remains a challenge.
“We are currently meeting the demand but we have no reserve capacity in place to allow for eventualities. So, we may load shed in order not to lose any of the units, but the power outage will be rotated and won’t last more than two hours,” Gordon explained.

The immediate plan involves GPL managing the load and not pushing the units to their full capacity. The power company will still meet the demand but during peak periods it will request self-generators to supply electricity and, if possible, conduct minor load shedding.

Additionally, another unit will be sourced from Canefield which will provide an additional 800 kilowatts. With this unit in place, there will be a total of five units operating, allowing for a reserve capacity for eventualities. Moreover, load shedding will not be experienced and self-generators will also be supplied.

The short-term plan will see a total of six units in operation by September 10. Gordon told DPI that within a week’s time, a critical spare part to fix an additional unit will be arriving. Nevertheless, GPL will still work to fix the other units which are down.
The power company’s short-term plan is also to accelerate efforts to complete the new power plant by December 15.  According to Gordon, when completed, the Anna Regina Power Station will have a total of 5.4 megawatts from the three new units.

“This new power station will use High Fuel Oil which is best suited for continuous operation or Base load and will allow for cheaper fuel use and more reliability,” the CEO explained.

However, the other six caterpillar units will still be used for emergencies.

For the medium-term plan, GPL has already begun the process for a fourth unit that will serve as the backup for the three units.

Finally, GPL’s long-term plan involves meeting with the stakeholders and prepare a 20-year plan for the region.