GuyOil offers 50 gold coins for Golden Jubilee

IMG-20160503-WA0001Georgetown: Fifty commemorative Golden Jubilee coins are up for grabs as the country’s very own fuel company rolls out its promotions for the much anticipated 50th celebrations. The Guyana Oil Company (GuyOil) Tuesday launched its ‘Fuel up for gold 50/50’ promotion where customers spend $3000 dollars and more in fuel and become eligible to win commemorative coins or one of 250 consolation prizes that include caps, bottles, polo-shirts, and umbrellas among others.

The promotion is once again geared at giving back to the company’s valued customers, Retail Sales Manager Jacqueline James said. She told invited guests and other attendees that “Guyana is going through a proud moment in its history and GuyOil is happy to share in the feeling with citizens.”
She said that, “GuyOil is always pleased to roll out exciting  and intriguing promotions and will continue to do so with the support of its customers.”
At the same time, GuyOil Company Limited is also celebrating 40 years of service to the Guyanese public, having been formed in 1976. 
  James said the company is using this time to reflect as it continuously works to better its services.
    Customers are encouraged to support the local fuel agency and become winners of the many prizes available. The promotion will last month-long.