San Fernando: Hundreds of Catholic devotees are at this time at Good Friday processions to observe the death of Jesus Christ. The procesions, known as the Stations of the Cross are being observed in Arima, San Fernando, Diego Martin, Lopinot and San Juan, where several crosses have been established along the roadway.
The procession stops at each of th 12 crosses which represent a particular suffering of Christ along the path to Calvary, known as the Via Dolarosa.
Archbishop of Port-of-Spain, Edward Gilbert will hold mas at the Cathedral for the Imacculate Conception in Port-of-Spain just before midday. On Thursday nights hundreds poured into churches for the Washing of the Feet, a lesson of humility that Jesus taught.
Observances throughout Trinidad and Tobago on Good Friday also include eating of hot buns with white icing in the shape of a cross and the beating of the “boboolee”, effigies that represent Judas Iscariot who betrayed Christ. Boboolees are often created to represent people who are disliked and are beaten with sticks untill destroyed.
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