In excess of 3000 condoms found in sewage blockage at Alberttown

Georgetown : The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) discovered in excess of 3000 used condoms which caused a massive blockage at the corner of Sixth and Light Streets Albertown.Responding to several complaints of sewage overflows in Albertown, GWI’s sanitation team discovered an overflowing manhole at Albert Street.  “The sewage was practically gushing,” stated Sanitation Supervisor, GWI, Wayne Langford, “immediately we noticed a number of articles including clothes, concrete, and a significant amount of condoms amongst the sewage”.

Langford further explained that GWI was then required to conduct a lengthy exercise to locate the source of the blockage underground. 

The supervisor revealed that the removal of the blockage required more than two (2) hours of work by GWI’s team.  “The debris was so large in number that the entire team was called in to remove the massive amount of condoms.

Langford highlighted that the overflows which resulted from the consistent flushing of condoms affected a pregnant woman in Albert Street and caused her to become ill.  He stated that several elderly persons and children were also affected by the unhygienic conditions.