Insight Magazine health, wellness edition sharing topical issues


Insight MagazineGeorgetown: In shining a light on some of the positive things happening in Guyana with short simple stories and photography, Insight Magazine will be launching its third edition soon. Trakker News got a sneak peak of the magazine that carries a health theme in this edition.

Aspects of the Magazine include articles explaining the concept of wellness and the challenges to achieving optimum health and wellness today.

 Apart from the theme, highlights were made of the necessity of local government elections from the perspective of outgoing US Ambassador Brent Hardt. Other articles include topics on culture, politics, society, travel, childhood development and the creole dialect amongst others.

Copies of the Insightful Edition cost $1000.00 GY ($5.00) and are available at the following locations:

Inspire Inc at 67 Area Q Guysuco Housing Scheme Turkeyen (592-222-2042)

Austin’s Book Services at 190 Church Street, Cummingsburg (592-227-7395)

Oasis Café at 125 Carmichael St., North Cummingsburg (592-226-9916)

Nigel’s Supermarket at 44-45 Robb & Light Streets, Bourda (226-6200)

Shell Gas Station at 224 Camp and New Market Street, North Cummingsburg (592-226-1843)

Shell Gas Station Vlissengen Road, Bel Air Park (592-226-3734)